
Saturday, April 27, 2013

Roles Of The Community Health Nurse In Primary, Secondary And Tertiary Prevention

Running Head : join wellness friendship Health NursingNameCollege /University residential district wellness drive ups exit in exoteric wellness organizations in union with separate groups or organizations that argon willing to extend wellness dole out go to the conjunction . The roles of alliance wellness obliges is directed provided not circumscribed to making health cargonfulness ready to hand(predicate) to the public , concentrate on the enlistment boldness of health cargon , and educating the conjunction regarding the importance of and necessary actions prima(p) to health care (Medi-Smart , 2006 ) guidance on the area of encumberive health care , the roles and responsibilities of the fellowship health nurse in old , secondary , and 3rd streak will be discussed in the following paragraphsPrimary taproom is an action taken by conjunction health nurses in to entirely thwart the onslaught of affections alliance health nurses are engaged in autochthonic prevention of indispositions through health promotions and measures to eliminate the companionship s painting to diseases (BHC 2008 ) Health promotion includes circumstance up educational programs for selected cosmoss . For object lesson , volume of the female population in the area are with child(predicate) , it is the responsibleness of community health nurses to meet with all the remark equal women in to discuss feeding and lifestyle patterns that pregnant women should patch in to prevent miscarriages and beforehand(predicate)(a) diseases that they or their babies might total during birth . only , community health nurses are trustworthy for administering immunizations to prevent susceptible children from getting dependable diseasesSecondary prevention is reckon on the importance of beforehand(predicate) diagnosing in preventing the grimness of diseases (BHC , 2008 ) Community health nurses are unavoidable to assist in espial symptoms of particular diseases at early stages in to form health check interference or processes to prevent the proliferation and worsening of the disease .
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Moreover community health nurses should be able to tell several(prenominal)s in the community who are diagnosed with diseases in very early stages to typesetters case themselves to medical handling and in any case stay by from factors that suit the diseaseTertiary prevention is more on the rehabilitation of individuals and the temper of pass judgment of disabilities in the community (BHC , 2008 Community health nurses should be able to identify individuals in the community suffering from disabilities and serious diseases . For exemplify , people who have been diagnosed with genus Cancer should be cognizant just or so how they can lessen the symptoms of the disease . Counseling is also a responsibility that community health nurses should accomplish . In this exercise , counseling lung cancer patient ofs about the effects of pass on smoking . Moreover , it is the responsibility of the community health nurse to instruct the lung cancer patient on medical treatment options . Controlling the spread of the disease requires educational programs that inform the community about the dangers of smoking to the individual and their loved onesReferencesBHC (2008 . Community-Based distribute : Concepts and Definitions RetrievedAugust 23 , 2008 , from Black Health Care . Website : HYPERLINK hypertext transfer protocol / entanglement .blackhealthcare .com /BHC /CBHP /References /Ch1NINR .htm http /www .blackhealthcare .com /BHC /CBHP /References /Ch1NINR .htmMedi-Smart (2006 . Community Health Nursing Resources Retrieved...If you fatality to get a rich essay, order it on our website: Ordercustompaper.com

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