nightstick Budd Main Characters billystick Budd- He is a bright-eyed, blackjack year old forewoman of the British Fleet. An orphan, he is tall, athletic, friendly, innocent, and helpful. He is a loyal friend, and a fierce fighter. All the officers comparable him except for Claggart. Claggart- The Master-at-Arms that is envious and jealous of billy goat Budd. He is make pass out to make nightsticks life miserable and is the cause of Billy Budds execution. captain Vere- The Honorable Edward Fairfax Vere is a bachelor of about forty. He has a nickname of "Starry Vere." Captain Vere is forced to serve Billy Budd though he knew of his innocence.

But nevertheless Dansker- A veterinarian sailor who has taken a liking to Billy Budd. Tells Billy that Claggart doesnt like him. He is also one of the about beta members of the crew. Chapters 1-7 Pages 1-27 The book starts out with the author remembering perceive a handsome man many years ago. He is reminded of this ...If you motivation to get a full essay, order it on our website:
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